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Old June 15th, 2008, 02:19 AM
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StrictlyRockers StrictlyRockers is offline
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I think you should continue playing, Chris. You are doing great, and there is no reason for you to feel compelled to step down from the game. Let me be quite clear here, you totally squished Vanheim with that dragon. No doubt about it, you clobbered me. Sometimes you are the windshield, and sometimes you are the bug.

I don't really feel like your decision on the voting was influenced by your position in the game. So if that is why you are quitting, don't! Enjoy the fruits of war.

Xox has cast another vote in favor of continuing. I agree with his post that this kind of thing should be discouraged in general. I am just a very fair-minded person, and it sure looked like there were a majority of votes cast in favor of a restart. As a fair-minded person, I hardly think it's fair to you for you to relinquish your position as some kind of remedy.

If I should apologise for a brash jump to conclusions, then I am happy to do so. I think I will try to set up a server and host a game so I can see how much trouble it is to deal with everything. Then maybe I could have more to say.

"When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite." - Winston Churchill
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