I was just goofing around.
Semantics is a funny science. Connotation of arbitrary terms is bound to vary from subject to subject. To me, Archmage means that he's above a Mage, and Master is the teacher, so above all others (unless they get all mystically touched and head to 5+ land

). Whereas to you, Archmage means he above all other mages, and the master is -just- a teacher (my guess). It's all relevant depending on perspective.
As far as the castles go, no there really isn't any resource transfer from land-sea or sea-land. And for a long time I felt I had observed most sea provinces to be high income as well, but now the more I play, I can't see any bonus modifier (income stays relative), so it seems to me that for some reason randomly generated maps tend towards higher pop in sea? For the most part, the MP maps I've been playing on lately, don't do aquatics any big favors on income.

Though Glory for example seems to like to punish everyone equally on gold income.