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Old June 15th, 2008, 12:23 PM

Omnirizon Omnirizon is offline
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Default Re: Andean Zorro = MA; diff research/VP victory -

The point with using VPs is to purposefully somewhat limit the length of the game. A simple percentage of provinces can drag on for over 90 turns, and it is not fun to manage 40% of 300+ provinces. VPs, and especially cumulative VPs, can be used to set a timer on the game, and make it a little less "thick"; preventing the drag of having to ever manage massive empires.

Ideally, the goal should be a game between 60-90 turns. Preferably closer to 60. With around 8 players, the origial VP formula I posted basically _can't_ last longer than 90 turns (even if everybody sat around, they'd accumulate enough VPs by then). I figure with people wrangling over the VP provinces and capitals, that formula should place the game at 60-90 turns.
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