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Old June 15th, 2008, 03:40 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default End Game Summons

A lot of attention has been given to equalize end games summons.

But I would like to suggest that currently the game really requires SC's to win in endgames. Aka that the balance has gone to far in favor of SC's. There should be alternate strategies to victory.

How about *also* having each unit have advanced units. Units that would be too expensive to build under normal circumstances - but which might do well in the end game.

Perhaps golems, iron dragons, or panzers for ulm.

If the costs were high enough they would be an endgame purchase. Alternately you could just have them unlock.. turn 20, turn 40 etc.

It would also be interesting if you could research improvements for each race.
For example, Explosive Crossblows for EA Marignon. Or improved Attack strength for Agartha.

Or improved Dominion for man.
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