Re: End Game Summons
Well personally, I think the best way to handle that mechanic, is through national spells.
This way you tie them to research, powerful "possibly capital only" mages, and gem production, rather than just money. But also, you would see that things like these "Explosive Crossbows" would in fact be a spell that is similar to flaming arrows, but better in some way. In some cases it may even just be a battlefield spell that costs gems for everyone else, but without the gem cost for that particular nation.
But yes, 2 things it would be good to have fill out the late game:
1- Spells that help minimize the weaknesses of the nation, or further enhance their strengths to counter increasing defenses.
2- High level summons that rather than generating one incredibly powerful commander, are VERY cost/gem effective at creating multiple mid level or elite troops of a thematically sound nature.
2.5- I do like SCs though, so I also think it would be nice to have more variety in the singularly powerful late game summons. Though, if point -2- were used to make the lesser used paths more viable in late game, that would suffice very well to accomplish the same goal - more options for victory.