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Old June 16th, 2008, 10:59 AM

Kaljamaha Kaljamaha is offline
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Default Earth Bless funkiness

I was playing Bandar Log in SP, and witnessed a weird thing. My pretender is an (imprisoned) Earth Mother with E9N6. I was having some fun with Yakshas (a nice summon for Conj4), kitting them and stomping on hapless indies. I happened to notice that my guys had an inordinate amount of protection after blessing themselves. Witness:

Devasilpa the Yaksha

Devasilpa's protection at start of battle

Devasilpa's protection after casting Blessing

The guy gained a respectable +8/+7 head/body protection. I tried searching the forum, but couldn't find any threads on this subject. I managed to narrow the effect down to the bracers, and it only manifests when the blessee has a helmet AND armor AND bracers. Soo... anybody else notice this? Is it a bug, or what? +2 Def/+6 Prot is not too shabby for 5 Earth gems, but hardly game-breaking, as it costs a misc slot. Also, I assume it would work with any misc item that gives (all round) protection. I'll have to do more testing.

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