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Old June 16th, 2008, 11:12 AM
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Default Re: What generates gems?

On the above test map, I did a test of 4 Order 3/Misfortune 1 nations against 4 Luck 3/Turmoil 1 nations. Every pretender was a Dom10 Oracle, all other scales were neutral.

Unfortunately all Order nations lost at least 2 provinces (from 10), so the results aren't easily comparable. Luck nations got so many more gems than the Order nations that I feel pretty confident with my earlier claim that Luck does, indeed, generate gems.

The four Order nations got 59, 23, 10 and 2 gems, while the four Luck nations got 135, 121, 112 and 25 gems during the 40 turns.

Turn 10: Order nations 4 gems total, Luck nations 51
Turn 20: Order 38 gems, Luck 186 gems
Turn 30: Order 76 gems, Luck 290 gems
Turn 40: Order 94 gems, Luck 393 gems

No one got Astral pearls or blood slaves. Death gems were a little less numerous than other gem types. Water and Earth were the most numerous, but not by much.
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