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Old June 16th, 2008, 02:47 PM
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Meglobob Meglobob is offline
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Default Re: Nations that have clobbered me in a straight f

I played Ma Ermor once in MP and was extremely powerful, then I ran into Ma Marignon who was alot weaker than me. It however did not stop him from kicking me into touch. I really learned to hate fires from afar, holy pyre and those sacred knights!

I was La Ulm in MP, early in the game, equal in strengh to La Patala. La Patala with elephants/archers walked all over me.

I was Ea Niefelheim and Ea Sauromatia wiped me out with skelespam + evocation magic.

I was Ea Niefelheim and Ea Ctis wiped me with skele spam + disintergrate.

I was La Tien Chi and La Ctis with reanimation/darkness/bane fire ruined my game.

I was Ma Mictlan in Epic Heroes 2 and Ma Caelum ruined my game with 40+ mages spamming thunderstrike and hordes of seeking arrows!

Nations I have wiped out 1 vs 1 in MP:-

Ma Shinuyama with Ma Mictlan.
Ea Lanka with Ea Niefelheim.
Ma Marignon with Ma Caelum.
Ma Pythium with Ma Caelum.
Ma Man with Ma Caelum.
Ma Mictlan with Ma Caelum.
Ea Ermor with Ea Atlantis.

La Marignon with La Ermor, (is this a fair fight?).
La Jomon with La Ermor (ditto).
La Ulm with La Ermor (ditto).

Well La Ermor vs one nation might not be a fair fight, I was fighting 3 off and on at the same time, fair? Pre Ermor dominion kill nerf btw.

Ma Ermor with Ma Man.
Ma Marignon with Ma Man.
Ea Yomi with Ea Tir Na Nog.
La Patala with La Argartha.
La Ermor with La Caelum.
La Arco with La Caelum.
Ea Abysia with Ea Marverni.
Ea Niefelheim with Ea Marverni.

Well thats all I can remember, probably forgot some.
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