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Old June 18th, 2008, 01:00 AM

Loren Loren is offline
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Default Re: What happened to the AI?

Edratman said:
I do not remember exactly what the score graph showed when I encountered it. I know the nation was low, but the graphs are not large enough to read much better than that.

And when a castle is besieged, ownership is not really decided in some game terms. Although the beseiger is nominally the owner, neither side can recruit in the province. The castle still owns the lab and can research and summon. I don't know who gets the gems, but I think it goes to the castle. The besieger gets the taxes. So it is possible for the graph not to reflect besieging, specially when the siege drops the number of provinces to zero, but the god is still alive.
But going from 1 to zero should have been clear in the graph. It did happen but long afterwards.
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