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Old June 18th, 2008, 07:25 AM
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Default Re: Issues With: The User Interface (UI)

My most desired UI changes:

1. Have province info show both resources left for the turn (in addition to the resource provided per turn currently shown), including in the Nation Overview. [Currently I need to click on the Recruit button to check if I have already done my recruiting for the time. By late game with more than 20 recruiting centres it is easy to miss some and time consuming to double check.]

2. The End Turn button should be placed well away from the other buttons. I have prematurely ended my turn in SP several times when I meant to click on the Options button (usually to save the turn when it is a very complex and critical - and interesting - turn and cannot be finished in one sitting). [This can be very devastating as I tend not to copy the saved turns to another folder - to prevent the temptation to "cheat" in SP and load from a previous turn when something nasty happens.]

3. Replace the Magic button with the National Overview button. The Magic button is identical to the Lab button anyway while National Overview is essential to me in late game and saves me much time in completing the turn. The font size of the National Overview table should be smaller as currently some info got cut out (eg. the number of turns remaining for completing a castle with a long name) due to lack of space. The Map filter button should be placed under options as it is not often used (by me at least).

The above changes, if implemented, will save the time I need to complete a game by at least 15% and probably do the same for other players too (pure guesswork). However, I am no programmer and have no idea how much work would be needed to implement.
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