Thread: Sneaked moose??
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Old June 18th, 2008, 06:18 PM
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Default Sneaked moose??

Just found out that Jotun moose riders have sneak.
I tried to imagine this and couldn't . Sneaking mooses are a nonsense!) Imagine a big Pythian city where suddenly arrives a herd of moose and guards don't see them. Actually noone does)
Moose herds make perfect raiders. They unexpectedly attack villages and then gallop back to the forests. Also moose may live in your village for weeks or months and you won't see them because they are masters of sneaking. You are actually more likely to notice a group of 20 cloaked wardens than a herd of 10 moose
How do you see it?

ps. Beware! Moose are near!!!
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