June 18th, 2008, 06:19 PM
Join Date: Feb 2007
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Re: Hall of Doh!
<quantum_mechani> hey, what the heck happened to the NAP?
<Coolswa> Giants love magic gems
<Coolswa> one of you three gave me some coinage
<Coolswa> ill leave it to you three to figure out who
<quantum_mechani> wow, i have never actually had anyone break a nap before, illegally
<Coolswa> uh, was i supposed to have said something
<quantum_mechani> well normally you give warning of X turns
<quantum_mechani> since the terms were vague, i assume at least 1
<quantum_mechani> well, otherwise it's meaningless
<Coolswa> <Coolswa> hinnom nap few turns?
<Coolswa> to be fair it was a few turns
<Coolswa> im the next alexander baby
<Coolswa> But you know quantum
<Coolswa> i would love blood slaves
<Coolswa> hint hint
<Coolswa> maybe some shinies
I like those guys already...