Re: The AI Improvement Thread
I'm not sure there's much point in going through this, since I don't get the impression that JK is interested in working further on the AI. Most games, of course, get little or no improvements after release, so we are lucky so much gets changed. However, they only tend to work on things they are enthusiastic about, and my impression is that JK is not enthusiastic about making AI changes.
There is a lot of room for improving the AI via map commands and so on, though. For instance you can design the AI's pretenders for it using map commands, and still set them on "Impossible" so they get good bonuses. If you use Edi's Better Independents mod they will recruit far more national troops. Combining these can make the AIs far more fearsome. And of course you can go further my modding individual nations if you want. For instance, you could mod all Mictlan's commanders to #onebattlespell Divine Blessing, so their troops will always be blessed.