Re: FreshMeat - 12 Max - EA Newbie - (PLAYERS JOIN
I am as new as new can be...I wanted Sauromantia but it is already taken.
I will take Marverni as I have read Baal'z guide and its the only other tribe I have played SP.
Nevr have played MP and will probably be cannon fodder but I need to get my feet wet somewhere.
I have never played MP in thi sgame but am used to LONG games as I plaed AACW and MOO2 Pbem.
I do have One problem...I am somewhat computer challenged and am trying to figure out how to send my Pretender to the Host.
My GF is a whiz so any help and I will be ok.
I will go and read llamabeast's rules and hope you have need for a "The charge of the Dumb Brigade" in your game.
Thanks!!!! Grudgebringer