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Old June 22nd, 2008, 04:45 AM
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Default Re: Current other active game software

Omnirizon said:
Atreidi said:
I am currently playing:

Civilization IV
Space Empires IV
SPace Empires III
Oblivion (I neve quite finished it)
Currently looking for a good MMO that is not WOW.
I've tried Vanguard, LOTRO, Lineage II, and Star Wars but I've stayed with none
unfortunately, there is no good MMO right now. corps saw that it was like crack, and all rushed to make a hit MMO, all going with the least risky formulas available, and thus all created WoWish clones that completely suck. WoW sucks, but at least it is quality suck; try and clone it with less money and you just suck.

GuildWars is OK though, and I would probably say is the best MMO out there, if you must have one. its PvE is doodoo though; its PvP is the whole reason to play. However, its PvP is so snobbish that its impossible to really be able to get into without making a second job out of it, thus it degrades to the least common factor that has made all MMOs complete garbage: you have to schedule your life around them.

EVE is also worthwhile, and has also has top-notch PvP and even economic PvP. Characters also grow while offline, and it is on the whole a little less snobbish. However, it is point and click, which doesn't work for me (especially inn outerspace), and the grindless growth, while a great idea, takes a year to develop and you are stuck in the meantime doing menial crap.

World of Warhammer looks like it might be fun, and seems to promise the large scale battlefield PvP that allows players to engage in fun PvP without having to dedicate their lives to a game in order to access a good PvP guild.

Actually, I'd suggest Continuum, the Metal Gear Solid room, for fun online action. log in, kill, capture some flags, talk [censored]; log out. Just that simple. It is fun. That is why after all these years, despite the presence of commercial MMO's; Continuum still thrives. Its just fun.

edit: also, alot of potentially fun MMOs pickd up Korean micro-payment model, because they noticed that you can make a half-assed game that ppl wouldn't pay for, but will in the end pay more to have something other ppl can't. It's /*[censored]*/ stupid becuase ppl are /*[censored]*/ stupid, but thats life. Just play dominions.
Guild Wars was great fun. Me JK and JO played it a lot. Mostly PvP. Got quite good at it. You don't need to be that good by yourself if you play with reliable people and voice communication.

We are trying Age of Conan now. Quite fun and beautiful, but still lots of early bugs and annoying stuff. Not as WoWish as Lotro was, but more so than GW.

JO recently discovered Desktop Defender at Strangely addictive online flash game.
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