edit: nevermind the changing nations business, then
whats the consensus, btw, of changing nation at this point (before uploading pretender, obviously)??
i was going to try atlantis last night, i was looking at them but was quite sick/headache yesterday (swedish midsommar partying for teh win) so didnt bother with it... and since nobody took water guys....well not much water and its seperated but thats still probably nice to be alone in the water. also i have always wanted to try atlantis, havent actually ever played them haha. so this might be suicide.
if that is considered bad let me know, i thought about it a bit but i dont know the convention of MP, ive seen players swap nations plenty i just dont know if its considered bad or what?
im going to upload an atlantis pretender and change my nation in the top thread, and if anyone complains (or wants to swap theirs for abysia, which i had taken) then please let us know (well, in the case that people complain i will swap back, abysia is my fav nation anyway so i have no qualms there

-- in the case that someone wants abysia, and then someone else wants that persons previous nation, and then someone else wants THAT persons....etc etc...well then if a chain reaction goes off here ill just swap back to abysia as well.