Kristoffer O said:
Guild Wars was great fun. Me JK and JO played it a lot. Mostly PvP. Got quite good at it. You don't need to be that good by yourself if you play with reliable people and voice communication.
We are trying Age of Conan now. Quite fun and beautiful, but still lots of early bugs and annoying stuff. Not as WoWish as Lotro was, but more so than GW.
JO recently discovered Desktop Defender at kongregate.com. Strangely addictive online flash game.
I remember posting in the last "other games" thread about desktop defender and how addictive it was. I remember the day I found it, i literally spent several hours that day playing; and I was supposed to be doing homework (I was just burnt out with all the reading though).
Ultimately, I couldn't swallow desktop defenders whole because to do best it requires deleting and rebuilding key towers to force the little guys to turn around and go through the whole maze again. That kind of reduced the design and strat aspect with some action and timing aspects; which I didn't like.
There is a game with the exact same concept as desktop, also at Kongregate, called Defender where you can't remove your guys, thus making the placement and order of placement an important part of the design and strategy.