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Old June 22nd, 2008, 01:59 PM
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Default Re: Current other active game software

Ok, tower defense games are definitely my guilty pleasure. Although I really wish there were more out there with pathfinding-Desktop Tower Defense is still one of the best ones, but there is sooo much that can be improved. And I can't stand to even look at the TDs that don't have pathfinding.

I love Dwarf Fortress with a passion. I'm going to mod the hell out of it though, first chance I get.

Space Empires IV was another great game. I hope V is good too, but I'm giving the plenty of time to iron out the kinks.

I want to play Planescape: Torment again. I still have all the disks and the package they came in.

I was really excited about GalCiv2, but the latest version refuses to run on my computer, and before that I'd get bluescreened every few rounds.

The Total War series is another guilty pleasure. I hope someday they redo the Shogun version though-maybe expand it to include more of Asia, and Russia? I'd love to see Russian Vikings square off against Japanese Samurai-talk about a War of the Worlds! A fantasy version would also be great.

King's Bounty is the game that got me into strategy wargaming. I couldn't tell you how many times I played that game. I still remember most of the details about it, and it's been years.

Fallout was a near-perfect game.
Anybody else heard that the rights to Wasteland got bought by the same company that redid The Bard's Tale? They're making a Fallout 3 too, but what I'm really interested in, and hopeful about, is Afterfall.

Has anyone here played Dungeons of Daggorath? If ever there was a game that should be redone, it's that. Daggorath was the most intense, scariest dungeon crawl ever. All in wireframe, and made a million years ago with less code than Tetris.

I played Master of Magic, ofcourse, and Lords of Magic: Special Edition.

The Continuum is still alive-infact I'm supposed to be a beta-tester, but my computer won't support the game.

BatMUD might be a good MMO to check out. It's free, for one thing, and there are TONS of races to play. I also think the creators are Finnish. I don't know how good it is, but it's been around since the '90s, and there's a lot to it-they've also recently updated it.

There are quite a few completely free MMOs around, many of which are a lot more interesting that WoW or Everquest-although admittedly, I enjoyed Everquest for a while.
I suggest you spend an afternoon or two researching the independent MMOs online-it's worth your time and trouble.

Diablo-the first one, not the second one, was also a favorite. I liked how creepy it was, kind of like a horror version of Gauntlet. Diablo 2 was just overdone though, in my opinion. Not a bad time-waster, but too much going on, without enough atmosphere to pull it all together.

Starcraft was (incase you've been living on Mars for the last 10 years) another great game, and one that I still enjoy. They're finally doing a Starcraft 2! WOOOOO!

Other than the pleasure of a murderous, steroid-enduced, carjacking spree that is Grand Theft Auto IV, and the pure orgasmic Cyber-Apocalypse that is NeoContra, I haven't found too many games on the Playstation 2 that I really enjoyed. Anyone have any suggestions?
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