HoneyBadger said:
The Total War series is another guilty pleasure. I hope someday they redo the Shogun version though-maybe expand it to include more of Asia, and Russia? I'd love to see Russian Vikings square off against Japanese Samurai-talk about a War of the Worlds! A fantasy version would also be great.
Fallout was a near-perfect game.
Anybody else heard that the rights to Wasteland got bought by the same company that redid The Bard's Tale? They're making a Fallout 3 too, but what I'm really interested in, and hopeful about, is Afterfall.
Other than the pleasure of a murderous, steroid-enduced, carjacking spree that is Grand Theft Auto IV, and the pure orgasmic Cyber-Apocalypse that is NeoContra, I haven't found too many games on the Playstation 2 that I really enjoyed. Anyone have any suggestions?
Total War series is quite bittersweet for me. When Shogun was released, I went out and bought a brand new shiny 733mhz P4, and put together my first (and only overpriced) homebuild. I agonized at the store between Total Annihilation, and Shogun as my first brand new game to test the capacities of my lovely new Voodoo 4500. I instantly fell in love when I started playing it, it was absolutely revolutionary. Unfortunately, as the graphics and animations have improved, and they have done much to make the strategy layer more interesting - they somehow keep managing to erode the behavioral AI in the tactical combat, such that the battles are less enjoyable now because of all of the little quirks and bugs (some of which I think were intentionally placed in order to simulate certain real behaviors, but which just play out as poor control). What I really want them to do is just focus on making the most powerful engine that they can, and then sell us packages that go within that engine for $5-10 apiece. I'm tired of buying the "latest and greatest", complete with all of its limitations. I want Shogun and Rome (both of which are far cooler in setting than Medieval, to me), in the new shiny engine - but I want the battles to work as well as they used to.
< pause for breath >
According to Wikipedia, Interplay only purchased the rights to the Fallout franchise. They then sold those rights to Bethesda, who is releasing Fallout 3 in October of this year. Supposedly Interplay DID retain the right to initiate development on the Fallout MMO that they had planned, but there is no current news on that. The Wasteland property was purchased by the studio InExile, which belongs to Brian Fargo, the producer of the original Wasteland. InExile just released Hei$t, has anyone played it? I'm curious what they've been up to there, other than THEIR remake of Bard's Tale in 2004. Or is that what you were referring to, Badger? It gets confusing, you see Interplay made the original Bard's Tale, and Fallout 1/2, whereas Westwood did Wasteland, and InExile did the remake of Bard's Tale and now has the rights to Wasteland. This is an incestuous group of gamemakers, and I wish someone with millions of dollars would have the vision to unite them.
As for the PS2, did you ever play Archon back in the day? One of the best games ever IMO. Apparently the game Wrath Unleashed has a very similar concept, but made more strategically deep, and not so frantically fast paced as The Unholy War was. Otherwise, it's rare for me to find a console game that really grabs me/ Played a lot of FIFA with my brother, but I think sports games are mindnumbingly boring unless played socially.