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Old June 22nd, 2008, 04:34 PM

effeDom effeDom is offline
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Default Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL

actually with this # it would be prov-per-player land advantage slightly...
with 11 land players, thats 199 land/11 = 18.09 each
there are 22 water provinces but 3 of them are "inland"...non-accessible to other water provinces (think: huge lakes). so that gives a single water nation 19, however all water provinces border land provs, which makes imo this a very hard water nation map to play. i tried it with LA r'hley awhile back and only because they are easy to get on land was i able to corner off the top/right of the map and then fight off atlantis in the water...otherwise wouldve been screwed because even patala was attacking me in the water by that point haha

anyway, no worries. lets leave it how it is and just play

upload pretenders everyone!!! gogogo )
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