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Old June 22nd, 2008, 07:07 PM
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Default Re: Current other active game software

Europa Universalis 3, Sins of a Solar Empire, flash games on Kongregate (including DTD)

Both EU3 and Sins are kinda odd ducks. I play 'em both a bit, and i'm not sorry i spent $ on them, but i cannot really give either an unqualified endorsement.

Sins is "neat" and different from any other RTS i've seen, but it somehow lacks a soul. You know all those lovely little flourishes that raise Dominions from "Best Game Ever" to "BEST GAME EVER!" Sins needs some of those desperately. It's like a well drawn picture of an unremarkable subject, it just doesn't sparkle.

EU3 is more like "Sim History" than a competitive game. I love the predecessors and it's a solid game that adds some nifty new features, but the makers have stubbornly refused to fix certain very simple and obvious flaws despite having redone the game twice. They also decided to replace the perfectly adequate 2D graphics with perfectly awful 3D graphics. A bit frustrating in that way.

It's cool to see Stars mentioned so much. I went to that one after VGA Planets, but i could never find a good online community and both times i tried to play MP the games collapsed.

I'm going to have to check out Dwarf Fortress, I've heard good things from so many different sources that it's got to be worth a looksee.
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