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Old June 22nd, 2008, 09:03 PM
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Default Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL

Well.....for better or for worse I will post my 2 cents worth.

I have NO CLUE what one half the stuff your talking about.

What I DO know is this is supposed to ne a Newbie game.

So guys like me can get our feat wet, noses bloodied, and see why all those neat things I did in SP....just won't work.

The guy set up the game the way he wanted it...we joined it, lets live with it and get it under way.

If he wants to change to a water nation thats ok with me.

If someone wants his old nation...thats ok with me.

If someone here is NOT a new guy....Thats NOT ok with me.

I won't last long anyway but I DO want to play with other guys that more or less are the same level.

If someone just wants to thrash everyone so they can get points then to me thats kind of like having the Yankees playing a little league team. They will win but who cares.

Lets lock and load so I can do my Marverni Kama-kazi and GOOD LUCK to ALL!!!!!!!
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