June 22nd, 2008, 11:13 PM
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Re: Current other active game software
Omnirizon said:
Tyrant said:
Both EU3 and Sins are kinda odd ducks. I play 'em both a bit, and i'm not sorry i spent $ on them, but i cannot really give either an unqualified endorsement.
Sins is "neat" and different from any other RTS i've seen, but it somehow lacks a soul. You know all those lovely little flourishes that raise Dominions from "Best Game Ever" to "BEST GAME EVER!" Sins needs some of those desperately. It's like a well drawn picture of an unremarkable subject, it just doesn't sparkle.
its interesting you say this. in another video game thread, I was talking about how GalCiv just doesn't do it, and how all Stardock games are well made, but just lack a certain something. They hit all the nails, and look great, but just are lacking this something, this soul. You just can't quite describe it, but Stardock games just don't have it. Its those little things, the panache, the "sparkle" as you say.
Ah. It sounds like Sins is in need of a few "Lost a few eyes"/"Lost head" afflictions and ambidextrous Benjamite slingers and interlocking hero stories (Udum'kinaa and Etimmu come to mind). Little touches that make it awesome.  Oh, and a few hoburgs and blood slaves. And Bogus' band of merry raiders.
Bauchelain - "Qwik Ben iz uzin wallhax! HAX!"
Quick Ben - "lol pwned"
["Memories of Ice", by Steven Erikson. Retranslated into l33t.]