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Old June 24th, 2008, 03:03 AM
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Default Re: Current other active game software

HoneyBadger said:
I've got copies of MOO and MOO2. MOO2 is great! I used to have MOO3-I know, it's not very good, but I was fond of it-but one of the disks went missing, and I haven't found a replacement for it.
I also was quite fond of MoO3. Maybe because I hadn't played the other two, so I didn't know what I was missing? I just felt MoO3 had so much interesting content, and it seems like the AI was actually competitive (all too rare to find), that it was easy enough to overlook most of the flaws. It's funny now that I think about it though, the "hands off" scripted method of combat in Dom3, for all its quirks, gives better results than the "hands on" tactical combats of MoO3. There was nothing like watching a task force of Point Defense ships get completely flattened by missiles without firing a single shot.

I think I'm going to get AoW again, I've been missing it, and seeing so many people talk about it is really getting under my skin.
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