I just take a quick look, and it is really AWESOME & IMPRESSIVE!
I can't imagine the time spend on it ...
Well, I'm not a fund to use more many specific tools (GVIM & co.) so is it an alternative way of reading your KB conveniently? I precise: WITHOUT converting YOUR work. You've allready done a fantastic job, so I won't ask you to convert in some other format, but just if you know the possibility to read it as it is in other way.
I can open it it as a text file, but it is definitly NOT convenient
But having it in another format will be great (I join Edi on this point). If I knew how to convert such file, I'll do, but I'm just an expert on M$ Office stuffs (I work a lot on it in my job).
I wish I could. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/PointRight.gif[/img] Perhaps with some little help? [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/PointUp.gif[/img]
Also, I like having these kind of stuff offline, and I often print them because I don't like read long texts on a screen: too difficult & exhausting. I often read printed threads in my bed before sleeping

It makes me dreaming of Dom
Again: a very big thanks you for what you've done. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/MusicalNote.gif[/img]