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Old June 24th, 2008, 01:37 PM
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HoneyBadger HoneyBadger is offline
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Default Re: Current other active game software

I think you have to be part dwarf to appreciate Dwarf Fortress-you must, no other race could enjoy eating rocks and being miserable so much. Playing Dwarf Fortress is like saying "hey let's go live in the Congo for a couple of weeks, without any bug spray, that'll be awesome!" and then convincing 6 of your friends to go with you, and ending up having a great time.

It's like the Apocalypse Now Amusement Park. It's SimJonestown. I can't explain the appeal, other than that it's in the effort to survive and prosper in a hostile world-one that you're actually grateful is virtual, but that feels very real.
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