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Old June 24th, 2008, 07:16 PM
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Default Re: FreshMeat - EA Newbie - (WAIT FOR HOSTING->UPL

OK I have 3 or 4 serious questions as to the proper way )if there is any to do things.

1. How do you 'chat' in MP? I realize its not real time and I would suspect it is e-mail...but do you go thru the game or do it on the side?

2. In some MP games I have played there are 2 or 3 different types of agreements (such as Non-Agression pact for a number of turns (10, 15 whatever), Alliance for number of turns or until notice (usually a 5 turn notice that alliance or non-agression is to be broken if its indefinate). Mutual defense treaty ect (same type rules).

My question is....

Do we have (or want ) a structured plan like that.

If we do have a structured plan are we honor bound to follow the rules and not sneak attack someone?

(I for one will ALWAYS be honor bound but I just wanted to make sure of the rules).

And if we DON'T have a structured plan are we Honor Bound if we make an agreement with a player?

Also, IF we DO make an agreement and it is NOT strictired do we need to make it public?

Like I said, I have played a lot of different types of MP (just not this one) and have seen games get busted up because someone didn't know the rules.

I just don't want to get my little feelings hurt if someone stabs me in the back and I think its all Honor bound.

Either way is ok just think we would need to make it clear to the REAL new guys (like me) so I (or they) don't do something to screw up the game.

BTW< I look forward to playing with all you guys (and girls if any) and hope to make some fast friends (especially if you let me win!!!)!!
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