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Old June 27th, 2008, 04:17 AM
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Default Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Ballbarian said:
...and purchased Sins of a Solar Empire. Big disappointment for me. It looks really good, but the way the whole pirate thing was handled just made me hate to play it. I finished one game and tried to start another, but just got to the point where I dreaded playing it. I imagine that I will go back to it some day and try to keep an open mind...
Was this immediately after release? The first few patches did wonders for the game, including a toggle for pirates on/off for all maps, in case you just don't like dealing with them at all. Honestly for my first few games I struggled so badly with the pirates, but as soon as I let my economic patterns revolve around making sure to have plenty of money to hire the pirates, they made the game too EASY in SP, I could practically win the game just by putting the pirates against my largest foe with increasingly massive bounties.

So yes, if you haven't played Sins in v1.3 or higher, you should give it another run, with or without pirates.

Gnadalf - It struck me after I read your post, and Googled around for Mail Order Monsters (I should have said MOM, not MoM) that you thought I meant Master of Magic. My mistake.
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