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Old June 27th, 2008, 01:41 PM
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Default Re: Lies My Rulebook Told Me

Repel mechanic works as said, but mindless units automatically take 1 point of damage from repel. An arch devil repelling dozens of 1-hp dragonflies was a wonderful sight... And surprisingly enough, a horde of morale 12 dragonflies was able to deal several points of damage to the Arch Devil.

Non-mindless dragonflies would probably be the easiest way to test the real probabilities of critical hits, if someone feels like doing that... Here's a mod if anyone wants to count how many hits dragonflies get against a heavily armored unit.

#modname "test"
#selectspell "Swarm"
#researchlevel 0
#selectmonster "Dragonfly"
#mor 30
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