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Old June 28th, 2008, 08:38 PM

Omnirizon Omnirizon is offline
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Default Re: Guide for Competitive Extreme MA Shinuyama

Xietor said:
A good guide. Too bad the unique immortal summons has both no new paths and dominion 1 to start.

Given that double whammy, I would be loathe to take him, despite his uniqueness. I never found the "undead" aspects of being an immortal Lich to be that bad, especially at size 2 where the Lich cannot be targeted like "large" or "flying"
yah. i mentioned him b/c he's nation specific; i can't find a use for him either.

additionally, the heros this nation gets (heart hiders) are basically the same thing. same magic picks, immortality, almost same stats. really no good reason to go with the pretender then. but like I said, I felt compelled to mention him just becuase he is nation specific
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