Re: Game Schedule
It might be worth PM-ing everyone who is supposed to be playing in this game, to find out if they ARE still playing this game. As I've just checked the game status page, and Marverni, Sauromatia, Abysia, C'tis and Agartha, are still outstanding for the current turn. And I'm pretty sure that at least Abysia and C'tis stalled the last turn as well.
Also, according to the forum messages, 'effeDom' is currently subbing for 'hunt11' as Abysia, but on another thread, 'effeDom' has said he's about to move from Spain to Sweden, plus he has a tech problem with the game, so he won't be doing any MP games for a while.
My own story with this game is that I was checking this forum and the game status site regular last weekend (20-22 June), Monday (23rd)+Tuesday (24th) waiting for the 'the turn re-doing problems are now sorted - the game is running normally again' message, but nothing appeared, and nothing seemed to have happened. According to the status page, the game was still where it had been for about a week. On 'Turn 15', with one or two turns still outstanding.
I didn't check the game status site after this, as I was checking the Dominions MP forum regular anyway, and I'd be sure to notice a message on this game thread saying that the game was 'running normal again'. Anyway on Saturday (28th) I had some free time so I decided to check the game status page to see what was happening, since there had been no messages on this forum thread.
But low and behold, the status page said 'Turn 17 - turn deadline 4 minutes!!' So then it was a mad dash to connect-up to the game, waste all my stored money on PD, end turn and upload. (another stall would have been better for me on reflection) So did that, checked the status page, and it had received my turn 1 minute before hosting! As close as it gets! But I did notice that there were at least 3 other nations who hadn't submitted a turn, and were certainly about to stall, probably for the second time in a row (with a third coming up now)
Think a few things need to be clarified here, as the game will become very unbalanced and meaningless if several nations are simply stalling. Even an AI existence for them is better than a non-existent stalling one.