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Old June 30th, 2008, 08:30 AM
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Default Steal? THEY must steal ^^

SsSam said:
[...] allowing the user to see what you can build in your national capital during pretender construction. Yeah after playing a game with a nation I won't need this, but that doesn't help me when I start. (What paths are available to my mages? what units are sacred? What kind of commanders/scouts do I have? What are my unit's strengths? What are capitol only builds?)

[...]My mage has found a gem producing site by spell X. On a large map I now have to find my way to the nation screen and find the province and then mouse over what that site is. Ordering that province list would be a start. Hypertext from the message list would be even better. [...]

Dragar said:
Repeat build - setting a province to recruit the same units each turn until you change it.
Repeat forge - as above, would be a great time saver with some of the mass produced items especially.
Battle reports - More detail on the units present and numbers of each type killed, not just overall numbers. Watching every battle is time consuming, having enough summary information would reduce the number we need to watch. Also when capturing a fortress or an assassination fight, no detail is given at all in the sense of a normal battle.

I agree with those. Actually, the best thing the game could use are time-savers like monthly forging and building, which should be easy and nice to do.
Second place, but I understand it could be very time consuming for the programmers so I don't think we will never see it, is the easier approach to nations for new players SsSam was talking about. As we know, the most of the winning chances come from creating an appropriate pretender + focusing from the very start on a research strategy. So, a much deeper "nation overview initial window" showing recruitables and national summons would be GREAT - ESPECIALLY PRINTABLE ^^ - everyone could use it together with the grimoire for building his strategy even before the very game begins.

For the other comments - as well as the title of the thread about "stealing something from other fantasy games" (i know it's prolly at least a bit ironic ^^) - well... I find Dom3 extraordinary this way - i don't think adding something else (like further forging possibilities)would make the game better than it actually is - and other "fantasy games" SHOULD STEAL A LOT FROM DOMINIONS 3 TO BECOME A LITTLE DEEP (well, actually i hope nobody steals nothing 4 real ^^)

Peace everybody

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