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Old June 30th, 2008, 01:57 PM

Omnirizon Omnirizon is offline
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Default autokilled after routing an ashen angel. bug?

I have a Tomb Oracle equipped with Tart Chains. he got attacked by an Ashen Angel. During the battle, their was the 'enslavement' animation over the Ashen Angel. However, the Ashen Angel can't be enslaved (apparently) and routed instead. But instead of the Ashen Angel routing and being autokilled, the TO did! The screen says "Independents Routed", and then the TO disappears. The battle ends with the Ashen Angel standing there.

I've CnP'd the log file of the last two turns of the battle and where the TO is autokilled. I am rightplayer. I'm not an expert on the code, but I see where the Ashen Angel routs. For some reason he stays and attacks the TO again, and manages to hit him; the damage wasn't enough to kill him though. Next round, both units are showing zero HP, and the game starts doing a bunch of routing checks. Eventually, the TO shows being autokilled.

any help?

----- turn 7 (rand 495)(check 407178491)
Battle running along just as I have forseen
blastsqr: unr8527 x22 y9 aoe1 dmg5 eff1003 spc640 as10157 al9
rightplayer teamhp 68 max 68
Mrlreport (right): good0 broken0 autobreak0 turn7
gettarget player 57 targtype 8 unr 8527 eu 1095 mode 0
8527 striking with weapon Tartarian Chains. att22 def28
8527 striking with weapon Enslavement. att19 def26
Ashen Angel repells Tomb Oracle (Enslavement repelled with Bane Blade)
morale negated repell
8527 striking with weapon Tartarian Chains. att28 def27
hitloc Tomb Oracle strikes Ashen Angel wl3 diff-2 -> 3
hitunit 8527 1095 dmg5 spec5 ba3
damage 13 on Ashen Angel, spec0x5 ba3
hitloc Tomb Oracle strikes Ashen Angel wl0 diff0 -> 2
hitunit 8527 1095 dmg999 spec4224 ba2
spec_mr pen 12 mr 16 (unr 8527 vic 1095 dmg 28 eff 999)
8527 striking with weapon Enslavement. att27 def22
hitloc Tomb Oracle strikes Ashen Angel wl0 diff0 -> 2
hitunit 8527 1095 dmg999 spec4224 ba2
spec_mr pen 12 mr 16 (unr 8527 vic 1095 dmg 28 eff 999)
Loading ./ at 7 (cs 521302)
RGBA2Tex 40 40 (6400 bytes alloced), alpha 1, comp 0, wrap 0
pixmode = GL_RGBA
RGBA2Tex 40 40 (6400 bytes alloced), alpha 1, comp 0, wrap 0
pixmode = GL_RGBA
RGBA2Tex 40 40 (6400 bytes alloced), alpha 1, comp 0, wrap 0
pixmode = GL_RGBA
blastsqr: unr8527 x22 y9 aoe1 dmg5 eff3 spc640 as-1 al0
affectvic vic8527 hv0
hitunit 8527 8527 dmg5 spec640 ba-1
blastsqr: unr1095 x22 y8 aoe11 dmg4 eff4 spc262272 as-1 al0
affectvic vic1095 hv1
hitunit 1095 1095 dmg4 spec262272 ba-1
affectvic vic8527 hv1
hitunit 1095 8527 dmg4 spec262272 ba-1
Squad -1 has 2 morale problems (fullss 1 limit 0)
Squad -1 check:___ goodmorale 35+6 badmorale 13+10
leftplayer teamhp 4 max 35
Army rout 50 for Independents (no units left)
Mrlreport (left): good0 broken0 autobreak50 turn7
autobreak 50 for Independents
1095 striking with weapon Bane Blade. att24 def21
hitloc Ashen Angel strikes Tomb Oracle wl3 diff-2 -> 2
hitunit 1095 8527 dmg9 spec3 ba2
damage 14 on Tomb Oracle, spec0x3 ba2
Holy Avenger activated
hitloc Ashen Angel strikes Tomb Oracle wl0 diff0 -> 2
hitunit 1095 8527 dmg256 spec20480 ba2
spec_mr pen 12 mr 28 (unr 1095 vic 8527 dmg 11 eff 256)
hitunit 8527 1095 dmg7 spec96 ba4
----- turn 8 (rand 503)(check 407204126)
Battle running along just as I have forseen
blastsqr: unr8527 x22 y9 aoe1 dmg5 eff1003 spc640 as10157 al9
blastsqr: unr-1 x21 y10 aoe0 dmg20 eff2 spc20608 as1317 al4
affectvic vic1095 hv0
hitunit -1 1095 dmg20 spec20608 ba2
spec_mr pen 12 mr 16 (unr -1 vic 1095 dmg 2 eff 20)
Squad -1 has 1000 morale problems (fullss 1 limit 0)
Squad -1 check:___ goodmorale 24+6 badmorale 13+18
rightplayer teamhp 0 max 68
Mrlreport (right): good0 broken0 autobreak-40 turn8
RGBA2Tex 10 10 (400 bytes alloced), alpha 1, comp 0, wrap 0
pixmode = GL_RGBA
RGBA2Tex 10 10 (400 bytes alloced), alpha 1, comp 0, wrap 0
pixmode = GL_RGBA
RGBA2Tex 10 10 (400 bytes alloced), alpha 1, comp 0, wrap 0
pixmode = GL_RGBA
RGBA2Tex 10 10 (400 bytes alloced), alpha 1, comp 0, wrap 0
pixmode = GL_RGBA
broken unit 8527 removed from bg
blastsqr: unr8527 x22 y9 aoe1 dmg5 eff3 spc640 as-1 al0
_____The winner is 25_______
leftplayer teamhp 0 max 35
Army rout 100 for Independents
Mrlreport (left): good0 broken0 autobreak125 turn8
autobreak 125 for Independents
rightplayer teamhp 0 max 68
Mrlreport (right): good0 broken0 autobreak-40 turn8
leftplayer teamhp 0 max 35
Army rout 100 for Independents
Mrlreport (left): good0 broken0 autobreak125 turn8
autobreak 125 for Independents
rightplayer teamhp 0 max 68
Mrlreport (right): good0 broken0 autobreak-40 turn8
leftplayer teamhp 0 max 35
Army rout 100 for Independents
Mrlreport (left): good0 broken0 autobreak125 turn8
autobreak 125 for Independents
rightplayer teamhp 0 max 68
Mrlreport (right): good0 broken0 autobreak-40 turn8
leftplayer teamhp 0 max 35
Army rout 100 for Independents
Mrlreport (left): good0 broken0 autobreak125 turn8
autobreak 125 for Independents
rightplayer teamhp 0 max 68
Mrlreport (right): good0 broken0 autobreak-40 turn8
leftplayer teamhp 0 max 35
Army rout 100 for Independents
Mrlreport (left): good0 broken0 autobreak125 turn8
autobreak 125 for Independents
rightplayer teamhp 0 max 68
Mrlreport (right): good0 broken0 autobreak-40 turn8
- Battle Aftermath (check=407180871) -
Remove all temp units
damage 9999 on Tomb Oracle, spec0x0 ba0
looseallitems: cnr 1278(Mekhaloth) unr 8527
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