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Old June 30th, 2008, 05:01 PM

MaxWilson MaxWilson is offline
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Default Re: Is there a list of troops, sorted by nation?

The customary way of doing this is to start a game called "EA View" or something and add all EA nations to it with human players (set the first one to "Human" and then hit "N" to add a new random player until it stops letting you add more). When you want to examine troops, start up the game and load that nation.

This is simpler than looking it up through the Dom3DB, but of course the DB wasn't designed for that presumably because there's already another way of doing it. Please be careful about tone when criticizing work done for free by volunteers. It would be very easy to destroy a valuable resource by making volunteers feel unappreciated. Anyway, if the first method doesn't work for you (e.g. you need to view units from a computer without Dom3 on it) feel free to modify the list from the Dom3 DB and post it here. No one has done that so far because no one has needed it enough to do the extensive work required.

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