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Old June 30th, 2008, 07:03 PM
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Default Re: Is there a list of troops, sorted by nation?

Sombre has a link to a Dom3 links thread in his sig. From there, you can find Sunray's site. He hosts a brief unit list document where you can find that sort of list, but it does not have the newere nations in it. Has Lanka for certain, but I don't know aboutthe other ones (Fomoria, Tir na n'Og, Eriu, Bogarus, SC Pythium and definitely not Hinnom, Ashdod and Gath unless it was recently updated).

The Dom3 DB does not have a listing of units by nation simply because doing a display page like that is far more trouble than it's worth at the moment. Too many other things to do at the moment.
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