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Old June 30th, 2008, 07:08 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: Game Schedule

Hey Calahan (and interested others)

Friday John(I believe) requested delay till monday due to death. I complied, and the game was set to monday.

Monday, Griefor said that he wasn't able to process a turn. I paused the game (24 hours) to allow him to work that out. I heard no additional messages from him.

When you notified that you staled, I did the same thing, I announced that I was pausing the game for comment. The game went from hosting in 2 hours, to hosting in 24.

No one made any comments during that time period or requests in that time period.

I know for my part that I haven't attacked sauromatia specifically because I didn't know what griefor was going to do. But I agree with your suggestion that we sort out the stalling nations and set them to AI. I will do that, without objection, when I get home.

Who is/isn't staling?
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