Re: Game Schedule
Hi Chris
Thanks for clearing up some of the things that went on.
Don't know exactly who has stalled and when over the recent turns, but my best guesses for who has are:-
Abysia - Very sure they've stalled turns 16, 17, 18. And like I said above, if 'effeDom' is supposed to be controlling them, then he's already stated on another thread ('FreshMeat') that he's moving plus has tech issues.
C'tis - Pretty sure they've stalled turns 17, 18, and guessing turn 16 as well. 'Electro808' is down as controlling them, and his last post on any forum was on 20th June (during the turn re-doing issues). Maybe PM him and see if he's still playing.
I know for definite that one other nation stalled on turn 17, (I saw the status page with a minute to go, and remember seeing three red boxes) but I can't be sure who else it was. I think it was either Marverni or Agartha. All the other nations seem to be actively playing (apart from the four mentioned here).
Do you get any info regarding who's stalled as host? If so you probably have more accurate info than me on who has been stalling. Maybe delay the game for 24hrs to PM all those who have stalled to see if they're still playing. Then either turn AI any orphan nation that has stalled for 3 turns in a row, or delay a further 24hrs to look for subs, and then AI any nations that remain orphan after that.
All the above of course is provided people agree with it :-) and if anyone is reading this who is controlling one of the above four nations, then please post a message saying whether or not you are active in this game.