Wrana said:
one among the best in the genre, from my point of view.
That reminds me.
Gene Wolfe.
Knight. And
That's a strange pair of books. They aren't dark, exactly. At times, it's sweet and sappy. At times, it's more like horror, except it made me uncomfortable unlike any horror book I've read. Not afraid, but uncomfortable - I didn't know if I wanted to read what would happen, because if it went wrong, it would go
A knight must be able to do more than most men, and so he does, because his name is Able, and he is a Knight. A princess is sacrificed because she knows she is a Princess.
Everything is absolutes.
It's like a legend that's grown in uncountable retellings, except it all happened like in the story. The legends just left out that everyone was afraid, all the time, but still did what they had to do; and that even though things might work out in the end, things didn't go as planned, not at all.