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Old July 1st, 2008, 02:28 PM

hoo hoo is offline
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Default Re: RIP Pa, Lover, Warrior, and Prophet

Ironhawk said:
Hehehe, cleveland this nation is a paper tiger. Believe it or not I've been telling the truth about it being horribly disorganized and unprepared. Its taken me pretty much since I took control to get the nation to the point where I would describe it as remotely fit for late-game combat

Well it is a mighty paper tiger. Seeing hundreds of demons with archdevils spreading the globe is pretty scary. If it makes you feel any better there was a coalition ready to hit Mictlan even before you took over. Basically, Mictlan was just far more powerful than anyone else. It's also very hard to stop a blood nation once they get the blood hunting going as Mictlan clearly had.

In other news: Patala is surging! Well not really but they're still alive. Bogarus has returned from vacation in the nick of time to face the mighty, mighty forces of Marignon in a huge fight that saw the valiant outnumbered Bogarus forces make their final stand against hordes of Marignon troops, fallen angels, demons, living statues etc. It wasn't a pretty sight.
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