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Old July 1st, 2008, 05:44 PM

Psycho Psycho is offline
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Default Re: LeafNosedBat- EA game for new players

I know he sent it to you. He told me in our massive PM conversation at the time. It was so that you two would be more balanced, that is, so that he wouldn't surpass you by too much, thus keeping you on his side. You realized I was becoming too powerful, so you allied with him. If you thought he was the most powerful, you would have allied with me.

I think I cast the Nexus too soon. I should have gotten you on my side against Ctis first. But then again, at that time I thought Ctis was my ally and I was ready to strike you. And he did tell me in a PM, when he put the well of misery up, that he is OK with me casting nexus. Actually that's when I got the idea to do it.

Oh, and if he didn't send the chalice to you at that time, I would have wished for it then. It wouldn't help me then, but it would keep him from becoming too strong.

And Darkstone, you could have used tarts if you wanted. In fact you still can. You certainly don't lack magic levels to reach them.
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