jimkehn said:
I finally stormed Ulm's castle. Ulm's PoD killed my PoD. Then he started expanding into C'Tis territory. C'Tis is building an army to counter him, but hasn't attacked yet.

I just
knew that Duskdagger had to be good for something and the scavenged Monolith Armor was certainly a better alternative than a Hydra Skin Armor.
I'm starting to get a grip on why C'tis's once seemingly unstoppable advance has slowed down some. First Carkaton sent his main army chinfirst into the springdriven fist I'd been winding back for several turns (see battle report pics earlier) and then Shardoz goes berserk and exacts personal revenge, that's goddamn priceless! I see that my prediction of not going quietly came truer than I ever expected...