Happy 4th, everyone!
Plenty of good self-publishing out there, and yes it does need sifting, but so do the things publishers put out. Trust me on this: Most of the stuff that's published in a given year could have served just as well for toilet paper. The link I posted up above is as good as anything you're likely to pick out at Barnes & Noble, without a *lot* of research, and it's self-published and free to read. If you're just reading things based on publishers and their opinions, then while the average pick might be somewhat better than a random poke in the dark, you're likely to miss the very best writing that's out there.
I spend as much time researching what to read, as I do reading, but it's always worth it. I just don't have the time in this life to waste on writing that isn't great, because there's so much great writing to be had.
If anyone wants a recommendation from me on what's worth reading, by the way, I'm more than happy to give you a good selection. Often free on the internet. Just PM me or whatever.
And the Dragonlance series wasn't too bad, atleast for TSR. I read a lot of it when I was younger, and I especially liked the book about Huma, and Kaz the Minotaur. The volumes of short stories were also fun. It's not something I would waste money and time on now, but that's as much literary snobbishness and lack of time as it is criticism.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!