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Old July 8th, 2008, 11:08 AM

parcelt parcelt is offline
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Default Re: Help! It\'s not fun!!

Another option to get into the game and start enjoying it (SP), is to take a nation that is suited for SCs. I remember finding the game somewhat dry in the very beginning, until I tried Shinuyama which has recruitable SCs. Then try out forging different items. Then have a blast just taking out Bandar Log's armies of 10000 monkeys with just a handful of your SCs. They'll quickly become experienced heroes and add some role playing to the game.

Another good suggestion made above is to try Abyssia and play around with fire magic. That's when I got into magic.

Once you get to know the game a bit more, the starting turns won't be boring anymore either. You will have your long-term strategies set out, and every turn counts (in MP more so) in order to maximize your goals. I now actually feel that the starting turns are some of the most exciting, especially in MP.
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