QXel said:
I can say anything about MP, but I must correct you: it is NOT all about MP with Dom3! Believe me!
I agree, there are many methods for providing a challenging SP game. As time passes the SP gamer can even provide one AI opponent with 20+ SuperCombatants at the start of a game, which works fine on large maps.
Large maps should also use victory points otherwise it can take months to finish a game.
QXel said:
it is NOT all about MP with Dom3! Believe me!
The patches seem to lean towards being all about MP. From what I've seen the computer AI opponents haven't been improved in any patches despite having multiple problems. Some of these are probably difficult to fix yet I'm sure others are not so complex.
1) EASY FIX DIFFICULTY: Computer opponents sending pretenders into the arena death match. Pretender tag should make it easy to stop this unit from participating. It's so sad to see 10+ AI pretenders getting killed because the AI doesn't know better.
2) HARD FIX DIFFICULTY: Computer opponents starving its own troops. This causes the AI opponents to lose battles, even important battles. This would probably be more difficult to fix, yet at least the human player can set supplies to 300 as a semi-workaround.
3) HARD FIX DIFFICULTY: Computer opponents blindly drop items on mages/commanders. This causes AI opponents to severly hurt its own mages as it places full steel plate on a low hitpoint caster. It's rarely able to use important magic item boosters as well. This is another task which would probably be difficult to fix.
4) EASY FIX DIFFICULTY: Computer opponents lack knowledge of which globals it should NOT be casting. Globals such as Utterdark and Perpetual Storm will do more damage to the AI opponents 99% of the time. If given a high astral and blood pretender I worry whether it may even cast Astral Corruption which would totally devaste any AI opponent. It should be very easy to prevent AI opponents from casting specific spells since it's already done for spells such as Wish.
5) AVERAGE FIX DIFFICULTY: AI opponents choose wrong scales causing even an Impossible AI setting to choke and wither away. The higher difficult settings should include wiser scale/pretender builds. Poor scales and dominion has been known to cause AI opponents to die very very early... such as Mictlan. Some nations already have programmed scales such as Abysia for its heat so the difficulty is probably average.
The last patch I recall which improved the computer opponents was the Burden of Time fix during Dominions_2.