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Old July 8th, 2008, 03:57 PM
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Default Re: Help! It\'s not fun!!

JimMorrison said:

[...]And there is so much cool and interesting content, it's nearly impossible to become deeply familiar with all of it (very few succeed in that quest, most dehydrate first).

Not with a good Water bless

Hey Clownhammer, welcome here.
I'm a quite new player just like you, so I can't be of much help. I am like you, I love to play SP in large maps, I have yet to try a MP game 4 newbs but soon I'll try.
The more expert guys here gave you excellent advices IMHO.

If I can bring my experience, as you asked nations-pretenders combos, the first game being very funny to me was:

Large Random Map, 3 Human Player, 3 Normal AIs, Early Age
Very Fast Research, Indies at 6, 2 initial provinces, Sites at 55

My 3 nations were

- Abysia with an Asleep Moloch: The expert ones are right, Abysia is funny, the national troops are quite good at the beginning for their good armors and heat auras and not many indies are a problem for them. For the time the Moloch awakened, I had forged some items for him and sent him fighting with my main army, while the powerful fire mages were wreaking havoc on my enemies and my (immune ) armies in form of falling fires, fire pillars, firebolts, fireclouds, fire-everything.

-A Marverni with an Awaken Wyrm with no magic, Dominion 10 and decent scales. A strange choice probably, but it was funny to have a good awaken SC helping my early expansion and I didn't have to worry a lot about (regen, no magic points to lose if it died). Not having blesses, I didn't have to focus too much on sacred units and made huge armies with a mix of every unit avaible. It was funny, yet not terribly effective on the long game

-Agartha with an Imprisoned rainbow Master Lich. The blesses helped the not terrible sacreds of Agartha while hordes of troglodytes and the nice national summons were flanking and squishing the enemies, with mages casting one of the most exciting spells of the game: Blade Wind. Let me say - plain fun

The enemy AIs were IIRC Ermor Arcoscephale and Tien Chi (I avoided water nations as I suspected it would have been difficult for a beginner getting to attack them).

Ok, now prolly the gurus will skin me alive as surely those weren't perfect, minmaxed, totally effective builds - but I had a lot of fun with them, they were fine to play with and gave me a nice idea of how the things work in Dominions 3; playing 3 nations at a time allowed me to gang against the AI if I was in trouble, then to backstab myself and see how my favourite armies worked one against another.

Surely every experience in game as in life are different for different people, but I hope I gave you at least some ideas on how you can have fun with this huge game

P.S. If someone is asking, Agartha won as soon as I put my hand on Tartarians [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Envy.gif[/img] - even if I didn't know yet that with Gift of Health or The Chalice they would have been far better [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Dagger.gif[/img]

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