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Old July 9th, 2008, 12:43 AM

Loren Loren is offline
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Default Re: So no Dominions 4?

Kraftwerk said:
Then why the heck are you still charging 60 dollars for a game thats a bargain bin title?

And you wonder why people pirate games...christ...this game is as much as my car insurance. Ever heard of depreciation? Game might sell a bit better at a lower price. Like say, 30 dollars? Considering it didnt cost 1/100th of what it costs to create A+ titles?

I cant get anyone to try this game because its too darned expensive. I cant get another copy so i can legitimately play with my roomies, because its too darned expensive.

Why do you fail at marketing.

Bioshock, that cost umpteenth million dollars, dropped to half your price in the first 6 months it was out.

You people are obviously on crack.

Drop it 15 dollars and youll prolly triple yer sales.
1) 1 game at $60 makes them a lot more than 3 at $15. Your logic makes no sense.

2) Dominions will never have the wide appeal and thus sales that the big titles have. It takes too much thinking to play it. This means they have to charge more.

As for playing with your roomies, do it hotseat. One copy is fine.