OK Im dropping in here but dont come to expect it please. I dont read all the threads for all the games on my servers.
YES notifications, backups, just about anything is available. Please dont post emails here. PM them to me.
YES: Email notification when the game processes a turn
YES: email attachment of your turn file
YES: SMS (text message) to your cell phone when the turn processes
YES: Webpage updated when the turn processes.
YES: browser download of turn files
POSSIBLE: browser upload of turn files
POSSIBLE: Instant Message when the turn processes
POSSIBLE: FAX when a turn processes.
POSSIBLE: Having your computer play a wav file to literally TELL you when the turn has processed.
POSSIBLE: Having your computer receive the turn file, copy it to the dominions directory, play a wav to notify you that the turn is available, then start dominions going directly into that game.
Any other possibility I dindt think of?