Re: Why Dominions 3 isn\'t just another computer ga
There, that's long enough for my purposes.
Monkeyfinger, I don't mind people complaining about things they don't like. I do mind it when people like yourself-and since you read my earlier post, I'm sure you can paraphraise what my opinion of you happens to be-take it upon themselves to attack me for expressing a positive opinion, in a way that would suggest they think they know anything about me, and yet make it obvious to anyone who does, that they don't have a clue. It's not hypocritical to go against one line of thought, while espousing another. I've never complained about the cost of the game, for instance.
And Sum1lost: I'm sure if your opinion is ever required, you'll be duly informed by whomever requires it. In the meantime, purely for purposes of educating the ignorant (and I hope that does sound elitist, as it's meant to), there's a difference between acting in an "elitist" fashion, and kicking a couple of dogs back down, when they act above their place. And I hope that last sounds positively snobby.
If you or they have a problem with me defending myself against direct, personal attack, then perhaps your best efforts ought to go towards furthering some pacifist philosophy, that we can all hope to live in some shinier, happier world.
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!