"Opposite"? what are you saying, that when people suggest something that needs to be fixed or changed the developers do the exact opposite of what they said out of spite or something?
The following might help answer your question and add some perspective to what Gandalf is trying to say.
A fairly recent post by KO:
...but I do actually dislike to work with nations when I remember people complaining about them. It gives me a sour feeling, and since I work with things that makes me happy I avoid working on nations which make me feel unhappy.
Things that makes me happy are when people say they like the feel and mood of a nation and that they feel that it is sad that it is not more strong in this department or that area. This gets me inspired and makes me think more about the nation instead of less, and will probably have the result that I will add stuff.
A discussion on how cool KoA are will likely make me feel that they are cool, look at them and think that they are too uncool in the game. A discussion where someone complains about the fact that they cannot move about and are underpowered compared to dada.. will just make me leave the discussion and look at a thread talking about how cool bane spiders are, even if they can only be recruited at home. I will then silently agree and think about what can be done to the banespiders, including new graphics and a set of new and cooler powers to compensate.
Sorry about the rant. I had too much coffe last night and woke up after four hours of bad sleep.
I think that it is about people and how you approach them. For some reason when folks communicate through a keyboard, they tend to lose some of their natural ability to deal with people. If I were constantly bombarded with this sucks & that sucks about whatever project I might be working on, I guarantee you that I would quickly lose interest and go do something else.
There are many different ways to say many different things. I am sure that there are times when something I write here on the forums comes across entirely different than I intended. Such is the web.