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Old July 12th, 2008, 09:48 PM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Beer game! EA - Signup Closed!

Age - Early!
Map - Alexander
No. of players - 15
Hosting - 24 hours for the 1st 10 turns then negotiable
Mods - Worthy Heroes
Everything else - default
Victory conditions- hold 6 capitals and their
fortifications for 3 full turns

Delays will be granted upon request. AI after 2 stale, without contact.

Let's get the sign-ups started!

Hinnom -Chris (got toasted in last game, want to try again!
Executor - Mictlan
Calahan - Sauro
Bwaha - Neif
Peltin - Formoria
Dragar - Abysia
AApeli - Ctis
TGbob - Marvelous Marvelo Marverni
Juffos - Atlantis
Slobby - Ryalla
Fakey - Ermor
coobe- Arco
Cerlin-Tir na
RevZ - Lanka (Oh no!)
Zenzei - Caelum
Omni - ???
Strictly - Rockin with Vanheim.

Game is setup. Awaiting pretenders.

For new people: Create a pretender, and send it to No passwords on the pretender files please!

Alexander map:
best to all

No exploits on the banned list: EXCEPT (just to be different) MoD is OK. At least pending protest = ).

Guys, please can we allow MoD. See the following:


Last edited by chrispedersen; January 7th, 2009 at 08:49 PM..
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